Automotive - ROBBI


ROBBI   The Italian company ROBBI S.p.A. - one of the renowned manufacturers of machinery and equipment for engine rebuilding in Europe. ROBBI machines enjoy great and well-deserved popularity with repair specialists all over the World.

ROBBI S.p.A. is one of the world's top manufacturers of precision equipment for cylinder heads, blocks, crankshafts and connecting rods repairing. ROBBI machines works at many factories, repair shops and car service centers all over the World. This equipment is recommended for engine rebuilding by leading manufacturers of heavy equipment Caterpillar, Komatsu, as well as well-known manufacturers of components for heavy machinery.

ROBBI machines and equipment are very popular and enjoy a well-deserved reputation in many countries of the world, while the production program ROBBI includes a full line of machines and devices necessary for the re-machining of motor parts.

A range of ROBBI machines for engine rebuilding are the following machines:


Шлифовальные станки для коленчатых валов ROBBI   Crankshaft grinders Расточные станки для гильз и блоков цилиндров ROBBI   Cylinder boring machines
Хонинговальные станки для блоков цилиндров ROBBI   Cylinder boring machines Горизонтально-расточные станки для постелей блоков и головок ROBBI   Line-boring machines
Станки для обработки плоскостей ROBBI   Surface grinding/milling machines Станки для расточки и шлифовки шатунов ROBBI   Conrod boring/grinding machines
Вспомогательное оборудование ROBBI   Auxiliary equipment


DALCAN MACHINES - Denmark, DK-7100 Vejle, phone +45 24 21 31 88, e-mail: